Release: 11/01/2015
Version: 7.3 Beta 1 (7D111g)
Developer: Apple Inc. ©
Source: Apple Mac DevCenter
Platform: Intel only
Language: Multilangue
License: Freeware
Link download: Fshare
Password: osxvn
System requirements (requires clarification):
- OS X version 10.11 or later
- 64-bit processor
- OS X Server 4.1 or later
Xcode 7.3 Beta 1 includes an SDK for iOS, watchOS, OS X and tvOS.
For the development of applications oriented to the previous version of OS X or iOS,
refer to the resource materials, or in the section
"About SDKs and the iOS Simulator" from menu item Help> What's New Included SDK:
9.3 beta iOS
OS X 10.11.4 beta
watchOS 2.2 beta
tvOS 9.2 beta
For the development of applications oriented to the previous version of OS X or iOS,
refer to the resource materials, or in the section
"About SDKs and the iOS Simulator" from menu item Help> What's New Included SDK:
9.3 beta iOS
OS X 10.11.4 beta
watchOS 2.2 beta
tvOS 9.2 beta
Removal Notices and Deprecations
OS X 10.11 is the last major release of OS X that supports the previously deprecated garbage collection
runtime. Or features that Applications depend upon garbage collection may not function properly or
will not launch when the runtime is removed. Should use Automatic Developers Reference Counting
(ARC) or manual retain / release for memory management instead. (20589595)
New in Xcode 7.3 beta - IDE
Static Analyzer
· The static analyzer warns when nil is returned from a method or a function with nonnull return
type or is passed to a parameter marked nonnull. (19003620)
· The static analyzer checks for common misuses of Objective-C generics. (21412472)
· The static analyzer checks for missing localizability. This check is o! default and can by be
enabled by selecting `Yes 'for` Missing localizability' in the 'Static Analyzer - Generic Issues' build
settings. (23414217)
Code Completion
· Code completion provides better matches with fewer keystrokes and makes it easier to find
what you're looking for. You can type just the uppercase letters of a method name. Typing
"myDelegate.tveh", where myDelegate is a UITableViewDelegate, gives tableView (_
tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath
indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat as the first completion.You'll also get
completions that better match your intent, so typing "myView .color ", where myView is a UIView,
gives every property containing the" color "substring, like" tintColor "and" backgroundColor ".
· Constraint badges Best Red Carpet in the View Debugger present values as ratios for better readability when
applicable. (22535224)
· The View Debugger inspector shows referenced views, attributes and values for a selected
constraint. (22266966)
· The View Debugger shows NSWindow size information in the inspector. (18284986)
· The View Debugger has additional options for the assistant editor. Implementation of file The
data sources, delegates, and the target of controls can be viewed side by side with the 3D
canvas of your app's views. (15777861)
· When inspecting a view in the debugger, objects with properties whose values represent
classes such as Target, Delegate, and Data Source will show a navigational arrow in the
inspector. Click this to open the implementation file of that class. Usual in Xcode As, holding
Option while clicking will perform the requested navigation in the assistant editor, instead of
replacing the View Debugger canvas. (15884626)
· 3D rotation behavior in the View Debugger is improved. (18313502)
· A contextual menu The user is for items selected in the Views of the Debug mode Navigator and the
Canvas allows you to print the description of an object; focus on a view's subtree; view
constraints on an object; hide obscuring views and or obscured by the selected view.
· The Views of the Debug mode Navigator allows you to view the filter's address, label, title, and
superclass. (23095363)
Apple Watch Quick Switch!
· IOS 9.3 supports pairing with multiple iPhones running watches watchOS 2.2. Choose the To
Apple Watch that connects to your iPhone, use the Watch app on your iPhone. To create, pair,
and switch between simulated Apple Watches, use the Devices window in Xcode.!
Known Issues in Xcode 7.3 beta - IDE
· TestFlight is not supported in Xcode 7.3 beta 1
· Scrolling in large playgrounds may be laggy.
Workaround : Turning o! line numbers may reduce some of the lag. (23912527)
Build System
· Exporting an archive for ad-hoc distribution with the option "Rebuild from bitcode" enabled will fail.
Workaround: Disable the "Rebuild from bitcode" option. (23948219)
· Xcode's debugger will not automatically attach to a Today extension run on an iPad Pro when
the Notification tab is selected.
Workaround: Select the Today tab instead of the Notification tab. Today extension will The now
launch and may be debugged. (22495840)
· Detaching the debugger from an Apple TV app will cause the app to hang when it logs
output. (22493459)
· Watch Framework and targets Static Library do not display a "General" tab.
Workaround: Configure general settings manually in the target's Info.plist file or in the Build
Settings tab. (22932248)
· Sometimes debugging a Watch app you may get the error 'Could not attach to pid'
Workaround: Delete the iOS app from the iPhone and then Build & Run again.
· When you download an iOS simulator from the Downloads preference pane Xcode in, you may
be prompted to authenticate as an admin at the beginning of the first download and at the end
of each additional download. Of these authentications All are required to successfully install the
selected iOS simulator. (22993731)
· A simulated iOS 9.0 device may boot to a black screen if Xcode is in a di! Erent location than
when the device first booted.
Workaround:-in Choose Simulator> Reset Content and Settings. (22697818)
· When duplicating a simulator in the Devices window, the simulator may be listed with an
identifier instead of a version number in simulator Run destinations. (23094167)
· Switching paired watch in Xcode's devices window may not switch to the new Apple Watch.
Workaround: Navigate to Simulator (Watch) -> Hardware -> Device -> [Pick the watch simulator
switched to] (24044656)
· UI Recording: When recording UI tests for tvOS, presses on the button menu The user is may generate
duplicate below code in the UI test. (22850293)
· The Devices window displays sometimes paired watch details alongside an incorrect
companion device. (22908731)
· Watch apps will not launch until the developer's certificate is trusted.
Workaround: When running a watch app for the first time (for a given developer certificate), you
must launch the app on the watch and tap "Trust". (24096177)
· Running an app signed with a free provisioning team may fail to launch.
Workaround: Trust the developer certificate under Settings> General> Profiles & Device
Management on the device. (19748857)
Asset Catalogs
· UIKit will not render correctly image stack layers when a layer contains a resized image whose
aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the original image.
Workaround: When resizing an image in a layer stack, choose a width height that matches and
the original aspect ratio of the image. (23061910)
· Layered image file names must not be longer than 255 characters. (22974625)!
Resolved Issues in Xcode 7.3 beta - IDE
· Product references in the Xcode structure navigator now respect the active run destination. For
example, if a simulator run destination is selected then the resolved path for the application
product will be reference to the simulator binary path. (9178537)
· When running in the iOS simulator, an app can communicate with TCP / the IP services hosted locally
by the Mac using the Mac's local the IP address.
Interface Builder
· Creating connections via control-drag between multiple displays has been fixed. (14345464)
· The Preview assistant editor for watchOS storyboards UI now displays within a realistic device
bezel. (20399982)
· UITableViewCell objects that extend below the bounds of a UITableView now draw correctly
when scrolled. (23242098)
· The option to suppress debugging View has been removed from the Options tab in the Run
scheme. Can still do Developers View debugging using the "Debug View Hierarchy" button in
the Debug Bar. (22636367)!
New in Xcode 7.3 beta - Swift 2.1 and Objective-C
This beta includes Swift 2.1. Swift 2.2 will be included in a future beta. (24099538)
Alternative Toolchain How it works Support - Xcode now supports using alternative toolchains, such as toolchains
downloaded from Using an alternative When toolchain, Xcode indexes, builds, and debugs
with the alternative toolchain's tools instead of the default tools. Alternative toolchains must be
manually downloaded and installed into / Library / Developer / Toolchains / or ~ / Library /
Developer / Toolchains / to be recognized by Xcode.
New toolchain features in Xcode include:
· Preferences> Components (previously Downloads) displays installed toolchains, addition to in
simulators and documentation.
· Activate an installed toolchain or reactivate the default toolchain by clicking it in Preferences>
Components> Toolchains, or by selecting it in the Xcode> Toolchains menu The user is. Must be Xcode
relaunched when switching toolchains.
· An activated toolchain remains active across Xcode launches for all of your projects until you
switch again toolchains.
· Xcode displays an active toolchain button in the workspace window toolbar when an
alternative toolchain is active. Click this button to open Preferences> Components> Toolchains.
· Control-Click an installed toolchain in Preferences> Components> Toolchains to verify its
signature, reveal it in the Finder, or move it to the Trash.
· Xcode Server bots can be configured to use toolchains installed in / Library / Developer /
Toolchains /.
Restrictions when using downloaded toolchains:
· The Swift below code migrator only works when using the default toolchain.
· Playgrounds only work when using the default toolchain.
· Only apps built with the default toolchain may submitted to the be App Store.
· Activating an alternative toolchain a! ects the Xcode IDE only. Use an alternative To
toolchain with command-line tools, use `` xcrun --toolchain swift`` and
`` xcodebuild TOOLCHAINS = swift``. Can provide the You toolchain's full or abbreviated
identifier, for example `` xcrun --toolchain! Swift`` or `` xcrun --toolchain
· Instruments may be unable to Swift demangle certain symbols or track memory using usage
the Allocations instrument if the active toolchain includes changes to Swift's mangling scheme
or runtime memory allocation. (23910267)
· The Apple private frameworks have been removed from the iOS / watchOS / tvOS SDKs. Your If
application fails to link, please make sure that you are not using any private frameworks. Use The
of private frameworks is an unsupported configuration and applications that use non-public
APIs will be rejected by the App Store - App Store see Guideline 2.5 (https: // functionality). (22330301)!
Known Issues in Xcode 7.3 beta - Swift 2.1 and
Swift Compiler
· If a type Inner is declared within another type Outer, and then Inner is referred to from
another file in the same module, the Swift compiler may crash the during "Merging Swift
Module" build step. (22858834)
Workaround: Compile using Whole Optimization Module, or avoid nesting types.
· If a framework Foo incorrectly uses unqualified [HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] or [HASHTAG]#import[/HASHTAG] directives in its
umbrella header (eg `#import" MainFooController.h "`), the compiler an report may
include non-modular of header inside framework module `Foo '. Correct way to The spell this
in a public header is [HASHTAG]#import[/HASHTAG] <Foo / MainFooController.h>. (23640339)
· Xcode project ignores the setting Enable Debugging Module Clang. Is This
intentional, as the included version of clang will produce debug information that is
incompatible with the included version of lldb -gmodules when the flag is used. The
situation is temporary and will be addressed in a future beta. (23707480).
Workaround: No action is required for most Xcode projects. Scripts and Xcode Build projects
that force the use of -gmodules should discontinue its use until the incompatibility is
Resolved in Xcode 7.3 beta - Swift 2.1 and Objective-C
· The Swift debugger will no longer crash when stopping in below code that depends a library Swift on
or framework that has been distributed in binary form. (22492040)
OS X 10.11 is the last major release of OS X that supports the previously deprecated garbage collection
runtime. Or features that Applications depend upon garbage collection may not function properly or
will not launch when the runtime is removed. Should use Automatic Developers Reference Counting
(ARC) or manual retain / release for memory management instead. (20589595)
New in Xcode 7.3 beta - IDE
Static Analyzer
· The static analyzer warns when nil is returned from a method or a function with nonnull return
type or is passed to a parameter marked nonnull. (19003620)
· The static analyzer checks for common misuses of Objective-C generics. (21412472)
· The static analyzer checks for missing localizability. This check is o! default and can by be
enabled by selecting `Yes 'for` Missing localizability' in the 'Static Analyzer - Generic Issues' build
settings. (23414217)
Code Completion
· Code completion provides better matches with fewer keystrokes and makes it easier to find
what you're looking for. You can type just the uppercase letters of a method name. Typing
"myDelegate.tveh", where myDelegate is a UITableViewDelegate, gives tableView (_
tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath
indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat as the first completion.You'll also get
completions that better match your intent, so typing "myView .color ", where myView is a UIView,
gives every property containing the" color "substring, like" tintColor "and" backgroundColor ".
· Constraint badges Best Red Carpet in the View Debugger present values as ratios for better readability when
applicable. (22535224)
· The View Debugger inspector shows referenced views, attributes and values for a selected
constraint. (22266966)
· The View Debugger shows NSWindow size information in the inspector. (18284986)
· The View Debugger has additional options for the assistant editor. Implementation of file The
data sources, delegates, and the target of controls can be viewed side by side with the 3D
canvas of your app's views. (15777861)
· When inspecting a view in the debugger, objects with properties whose values represent
classes such as Target, Delegate, and Data Source will show a navigational arrow in the
inspector. Click this to open the implementation file of that class. Usual in Xcode As, holding
Option while clicking will perform the requested navigation in the assistant editor, instead of
replacing the View Debugger canvas. (15884626)
· 3D rotation behavior in the View Debugger is improved. (18313502)
· A contextual menu The user is for items selected in the Views of the Debug mode Navigator and the
Canvas allows you to print the description of an object; focus on a view's subtree; view
constraints on an object; hide obscuring views and or obscured by the selected view.
· The Views of the Debug mode Navigator allows you to view the filter's address, label, title, and
superclass. (23095363)
Apple Watch Quick Switch!
· IOS 9.3 supports pairing with multiple iPhones running watches watchOS 2.2. Choose the To
Apple Watch that connects to your iPhone, use the Watch app on your iPhone. To create, pair,
and switch between simulated Apple Watches, use the Devices window in Xcode.!
Known Issues in Xcode 7.3 beta - IDE
· TestFlight is not supported in Xcode 7.3 beta 1
· Scrolling in large playgrounds may be laggy.
Workaround : Turning o! line numbers may reduce some of the lag. (23912527)
Build System
· Exporting an archive for ad-hoc distribution with the option "Rebuild from bitcode" enabled will fail.
Workaround: Disable the "Rebuild from bitcode" option. (23948219)
· Xcode's debugger will not automatically attach to a Today extension run on an iPad Pro when
the Notification tab is selected.
Workaround: Select the Today tab instead of the Notification tab. Today extension will The now
launch and may be debugged. (22495840)
· Detaching the debugger from an Apple TV app will cause the app to hang when it logs
output. (22493459)
· Watch Framework and targets Static Library do not display a "General" tab.
Workaround: Configure general settings manually in the target's Info.plist file or in the Build
Settings tab. (22932248)
· Sometimes debugging a Watch app you may get the error 'Could not attach to pid'
Workaround: Delete the iOS app from the iPhone and then Build & Run again.
· When you download an iOS simulator from the Downloads preference pane Xcode in, you may
be prompted to authenticate as an admin at the beginning of the first download and at the end
of each additional download. Of these authentications All are required to successfully install the
selected iOS simulator. (22993731)
· A simulated iOS 9.0 device may boot to a black screen if Xcode is in a di! Erent location than
when the device first booted.
Workaround:-in Choose Simulator> Reset Content and Settings. (22697818)
· When duplicating a simulator in the Devices window, the simulator may be listed with an
identifier instead of a version number in simulator Run destinations. (23094167)
· Switching paired watch in Xcode's devices window may not switch to the new Apple Watch.
Workaround: Navigate to Simulator (Watch) -> Hardware -> Device -> [Pick the watch simulator
switched to] (24044656)
· UI Recording: When recording UI tests for tvOS, presses on the button menu The user is may generate
duplicate below code in the UI test. (22850293)
· The Devices window displays sometimes paired watch details alongside an incorrect
companion device. (22908731)
· Watch apps will not launch until the developer's certificate is trusted.
Workaround: When running a watch app for the first time (for a given developer certificate), you
must launch the app on the watch and tap "Trust". (24096177)
· Running an app signed with a free provisioning team may fail to launch.
Workaround: Trust the developer certificate under Settings> General> Profiles & Device
Management on the device. (19748857)
Asset Catalogs
· UIKit will not render correctly image stack layers when a layer contains a resized image whose
aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the original image.
Workaround: When resizing an image in a layer stack, choose a width height that matches and
the original aspect ratio of the image. (23061910)
· Layered image file names must not be longer than 255 characters. (22974625)!
Resolved Issues in Xcode 7.3 beta - IDE
· Product references in the Xcode structure navigator now respect the active run destination. For
example, if a simulator run destination is selected then the resolved path for the application
product will be reference to the simulator binary path. (9178537)
· When running in the iOS simulator, an app can communicate with TCP / the IP services hosted locally
by the Mac using the Mac's local the IP address.
Interface Builder
· Creating connections via control-drag between multiple displays has been fixed. (14345464)
· The Preview assistant editor for watchOS storyboards UI now displays within a realistic device
bezel. (20399982)
· UITableViewCell objects that extend below the bounds of a UITableView now draw correctly
when scrolled. (23242098)
· The option to suppress debugging View has been removed from the Options tab in the Run
scheme. Can still do Developers View debugging using the "Debug View Hierarchy" button in
the Debug Bar. (22636367)!
New in Xcode 7.3 beta - Swift 2.1 and Objective-C
This beta includes Swift 2.1. Swift 2.2 will be included in a future beta. (24099538)
Alternative Toolchain How it works Support - Xcode now supports using alternative toolchains, such as toolchains
downloaded from Using an alternative When toolchain, Xcode indexes, builds, and debugs
with the alternative toolchain's tools instead of the default tools. Alternative toolchains must be
manually downloaded and installed into / Library / Developer / Toolchains / or ~ / Library /
Developer / Toolchains / to be recognized by Xcode.
New toolchain features in Xcode include:
· Preferences> Components (previously Downloads) displays installed toolchains, addition to in
simulators and documentation.
· Activate an installed toolchain or reactivate the default toolchain by clicking it in Preferences>
Components> Toolchains, or by selecting it in the Xcode> Toolchains menu The user is. Must be Xcode
relaunched when switching toolchains.
· An activated toolchain remains active across Xcode launches for all of your projects until you
switch again toolchains.
· Xcode displays an active toolchain button in the workspace window toolbar when an
alternative toolchain is active. Click this button to open Preferences> Components> Toolchains.
· Control-Click an installed toolchain in Preferences> Components> Toolchains to verify its
signature, reveal it in the Finder, or move it to the Trash.
· Xcode Server bots can be configured to use toolchains installed in / Library / Developer /
Toolchains /.
Restrictions when using downloaded toolchains:
· The Swift below code migrator only works when using the default toolchain.
· Playgrounds only work when using the default toolchain.
· Only apps built with the default toolchain may submitted to the be App Store.
· Activating an alternative toolchain a! ects the Xcode IDE only. Use an alternative To
toolchain with command-line tools, use `` xcrun --toolchain swift`` and
`` xcodebuild TOOLCHAINS = swift``. Can provide the You toolchain's full or abbreviated
identifier, for example `` xcrun --toolchain! Swift`` or `` xcrun --toolchain
· Instruments may be unable to Swift demangle certain symbols or track memory using usage
the Allocations instrument if the active toolchain includes changes to Swift's mangling scheme
or runtime memory allocation. (23910267)
· The Apple private frameworks have been removed from the iOS / watchOS / tvOS SDKs. Your If
application fails to link, please make sure that you are not using any private frameworks. Use The
of private frameworks is an unsupported configuration and applications that use non-public
APIs will be rejected by the App Store - App Store see Guideline 2.5 (https: // functionality). (22330301)!
Known Issues in Xcode 7.3 beta - Swift 2.1 and
Swift Compiler
· If a type Inner is declared within another type Outer, and then Inner is referred to from
another file in the same module, the Swift compiler may crash the during "Merging Swift
Module" build step. (22858834)
Workaround: Compile using Whole Optimization Module, or avoid nesting types.
· If a framework Foo incorrectly uses unqualified [HASHTAG]#include[/HASHTAG] or [HASHTAG]#import[/HASHTAG] directives in its
umbrella header (eg `#import" MainFooController.h "`), the compiler an report may
include non-modular of header inside framework module `Foo '. Correct way to The spell this
in a public header is [HASHTAG]#import[/HASHTAG] <Foo / MainFooController.h>. (23640339)
· Xcode project ignores the setting Enable Debugging Module Clang. Is This
intentional, as the included version of clang will produce debug information that is
incompatible with the included version of lldb -gmodules when the flag is used. The
situation is temporary and will be addressed in a future beta. (23707480).
Workaround: No action is required for most Xcode projects. Scripts and Xcode Build projects
that force the use of -gmodules should discontinue its use until the incompatibility is
Resolved in Xcode 7.3 beta - Swift 2.1 and Objective-C
· The Swift debugger will no longer crash when stopping in below code that depends a library Swift on
or framework that has been distributed in binary form. (22492040)