Stephan Vos

Hey Guys! Thank for allowing me into this group. I just started building my first hackintosh with osx Sierra. I got everything working except for the front headphone jack and thunderbolt 3 ports. The only weird thing I couldn't resolve was to have it to shut down completely. In the end I decided to shut it down by holding the power button.
Now when I turn on the computer the clover configurator doesn't count down anymore and when I launch the system from the hard drive I get the no acces sign as you can see in the images I upload.

After this screen the screen becomes unreadable with the famous no acces sign. The last sentence is probably: Still waiting for root device. I can not find any solution on google.

The system is as follows:

Motherboard: Gigabyte z170x-ud5 TH
Processor: i7 6700K
Graphics card: Gigabyte geforce gtx 980 ti g1 6GB

The first time I encountered this problem I did a fresh install and the system worked fine again. Since this is the second time I would actually like to fix. I hope you can help!
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I'm booting from the internal ssd at the moment.
the error name is "still waiting for root device"
So it has nothing to do with the acpi error and pci memory map failed?
When I boot from a usb (for a fresh install) it does work so the problem is not in the usb
When I boot from the usb via the clover configurator it crashes as well... So the problem is in the configurator I think. Is that possible?