Hackintosh Vietnam Tool 1.7.x is a collection of many kexts and tools for Hackintosh. It will help you setup your Hackintosh faster and easier than ever. The tool is mainly for Mavericks, but some can be used for Mountain Lion too. Main features: install and config Chameleon, create Clover config, install and patch kexts, system fixes and tools.
Chameleon Bootloader
You can install the most popular Chameleon bootloader + FileNVRAM 1.2 with just one click. Predefined org.chameleon.boot.plist and smbios.plist are also included in the tool. Note that some config files may not suit your system, manually tweak your org.chameleon.boot.plist for best result.
Clover Config
A simple tool to create a config.plist for awesome Clover bootloader. You have to select your CPU and Graphics and the config.plist will be created on Desktop. Note that the Graphics section does not cover all graphics section up to now, You may need to refine your config.plist to suit your system.
Most of the fine kexts are included in the tools, and constantly updated. The kexts cover a wide range of devices from desktops to laptops. Some kext patching scripts are also included to further simplified your install procedure.
Fixes and Tools
Some of the most useful fixes and tools to help you complete and monitor your Hackintosh:
- Chameleon Wizard
- DPCIManager
- Fermi Freeze Fix
- HWMonitor
- IORegistryExplorer
- Kext Utillity
- Kext Wizard
- ShowAllFiles
- SSDT Generator
All feedback are welcome, and please post your suggestion (kexts, patches).
**The tool is based on awesome HP Probook Installer***