Version: 1.2
Features:- Converts following word processor document formats into Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx), OpenOffice document (.odt) and RTF.
- Microsoft Word Document (.doc, .docx)
- Microsoft Works Word (.wps)
- OpenOffice Write Document (.odt, .ott, .fodt, .sxw, .stw, .sxg)
- Plain text files (.txt, .text, .log, .xml, to name a few)
- Source code files (.m, .mm, .c, .cpp, .h, .java, to name a few)
- Script code text files (.sh, csh, .py, .php, to name a few)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf, .rtfd)
- WordPerfect (.wpd, .wp)
- AppleWorks/ClarisWorks document format (.cwk)
- WriteNow document format (.wn)
- Lotus Word document
- AbiWord document
- Hangul 97 Word document
- HanMac Word-K/J
- LightWayText for Mac 4.5 and more
- Converts following presentation formats into Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (.ppt, .pptx) and OpenOffice Impress presentation (.odp).
- Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt, .pptx)
- OpenOffice Impress Presentation (.odp, .otp, . fodp, .sdd, .sti, .sxi) and more
- Converts following spreadsheet formats into Microsoft Excel workbook (.xls, .xlsx) and OpenOffice Calc worksheet (.odt).
- Microsoft Excel Workbook (.xls, .xlsx)
- OpenOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.ods, .ots, .sxc, .stc, .uos)
- Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet file (.wk1, .wk2, .123)
- Microsoft Works Spreadsheet (.wks)
- AppleWorks/ClarisWorks spreadsheet and batabase document (.cwk)
- OpenOffice Formula file (.odf)
- Quattro Pro 6
- Comma Separated Values text file (.csv) and more
- Retains complete layout, images and graphics into converted target format.
- Very flexible options to add files into conversion list. Simply Drag & Drop into list or Right click Open With in Finder or Drop on "Document Converter" application to add files for export beside direct Add File/Folder buttons.
- An advance option to maintain source directory hierarchy at destination with converted files in respective folders. While conversion Document Converter automatically creates intermediate directories of source file path in target folder with converted formats.
- Source as destination folder to output documents beside original document in same folder on your computer.
- Options to keep original file creation and modification date in converted files.