Chu Huu Tung

co ban nao co kext 10.8.3 cho ndivia gt 220 k . minh cai ban cua bac son tren tinhte roi. nhung no k nhan du kich thuoc man hinh :(
vao dau go cai lenh do ha ban
This is the simplest method to enable your graphics card. It was introduced in Chameleon 2.0, and is probably the most widely used method right now. Edit your com.apple.Boot.plist which is located in /Extra to add the below text. Sometimes it doesn't identify all of the ports on the card, but if you're looking for full acceleration for 1 monitor only, this could be the way to go. It's automatically enabled in the tonymacx86-snowleopard.zip and tonymacx86-P55BootCD.
minh dung gt 220, enable graphic xong laf full qe/ci ma