Year: 25/12/2015
Version: 1.2.4
Developer: JetBrains
Platform: Intel Only
System Requirements:
• OS X 10.9.4+
• minimum RAM: 2 GB
• Video RAM: 512 Mb
Language: English
Link download: Fshare
Price: 199$
Password download and extract (if have): osxvn
How to Crack?
• Mở file dmg, copy vào thư mục Applications
• Copy JetbrainsCrack.jar vào /Applications/
• Click chuột file vào file clion.vmoptions, chọn open với TextEdit, đường dẫn file:
/Applications/ .vmoptions
• Thêm vào cuối file text dòng dưới:
• Lưu lại.
• Mở
• Register key:
• Allow connection: (tuỳ ý)
* CLion - a powerful tool for powerful language, CLion - a cross-platform IDE for development in the C / C ++ using CMake and compiler GCC and Clang from well-known developers IDE - JetBrains. CLion focused on cross-platform development, with GCC and Clang (in the case of Windows, you would require Cygwin or MinGW). As the project model used CMake, for debugging - GDB. CLion uses CMake as a design model. All the information about what files are included in the project, a C ++ standard is to use what libraries and compiler flags to be used, and so on. D. CLion takes it out of the Make.
• CLion 1.2.4 bug fix update

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